Client case studies

Just like these physical therapists - you too can scale your practice to 10k+ a month within 90 days

Dr. Paul Kochoa

Practice Owner
Dr. Paul's revenue increased significantly, reaching $12,000 in that month.
Revenue Monthly
$ 0
patients in that month
0 +
  • In August and September 2020, before joining the program, Dr. Paul was generating approximately $4,000 a month in revenue.
  • In April 2021, after implementing the program’s strategies, Dr. Paul’s revenue increased significantly, reaching $12,000 in that month.
  • Before joining the program, Dr. Paul was seeing between 21 and 38 patients a month.
  • After implementing the program’s strategies, he saw 68 patients in April 2021.
  • Dr. Paul mentioned that he is excited about the potential for business growth and mentioned the possibility of hiring additional staff to cover more hours.
  • Dr. Paul’s initial goal was to see 20 patients a week, and he has achieved that goal.
  • He highlighted that the program helped him create more effective advertisements targeting his ideal patients.
  • He learned about pricing his services effectively.
  • He mentioned the importance of scaling his business as he charges more per session.
  • Before joining the program (August/September): $4,000 per month.
  • After joining the program (April): $12,000 per month.
  • Percentage Growth in Revenue:
    ((Revenue after – Revenue before) / Revenue before) * 100
    (($12,000 – $4,000) / $4,000) * 100 = 200%
  • Before joining the program: Average of 21 to 38 patients per month.
  • After joining the program (April): 68 patients in that month.
  • Percentage Growth in Patients:
    ((Patients after – Patients before) / Patients before) * 100
    ((68 – ((21+38)/2)) / ((21+38)/2)) * 100 ≈ 77.08%
Percentage Growth in Revenue:
  • Since their initial revenue wasn’t specified, we can’t calculate a precise percentage, but they mentioned significant growth in revenue since joining the program.
  • Before joining the program: Their revenue was not specified.
  • After joining the program:
    • After a few months: No months were below $10,000.
    • Last couple of months: Over $30,000, with a possibility of reaching $40,000.
  • They mentioned that they are considering hiring another physical therapist due to their increased workload and busy schedule.
  • They emphasized the effectiveness of social media advertising.
  • Highlighted the importance of systems and sequences provided by the program for retaining patients, promoting word-of-mouth referrals, and encouraging reviews.
  • Mentioned their experience with the Clinical Marketer Mastermind group, which helped them overcome hurdles and provided continuous support.
  • They highly recommended the Clinical Marketer program to others and regretted not joining sooner.
  • They shared an anecdote about their initial hesitation to invest in the program but stressed that the ROI has been significant and priceless.

Christian Busch & Ryan Barragree

Practice Owners
They highly recommended the Clinical Marketer program to others.
Last couple of months
$ 0
possibility of reaching
$ 0

Dr. Chris Ellis

Practice Owner
First two weeks of using the program, he had already recouped his investment.
Organic Traffic
+ 0 %
Online Leads
+ 0 %
Business Growth:
  • Dr. Chris started his cash-based Physical Therapy practice about a year ago during the lockdown.
  • He initially reached a revenue level of $4,000 to $5,000 per month and transitioned to full-time practice.
  • Dr. Chris found the Clinical Marketer program, which helped him implement a new marketing strategy.
  • Within the first two weeks of using the program, he had already recouped his investment.
  • His revenue growth after implementing the program:
    • From around $9,000 to $15,000 in the first month.
    • $17,000 in the next month.
    • $18,000 in the following month.
    • He expected to reach $20,000 in his fourth month of running the program.
  • The percentage growth in revenue couldn’t be precisely calculated because the initial revenue figures were approximate. However, it’s evident that there has been significant revenue growth after implementing the Clinical Marketer program.
  • Dr. Chris shared his goal of scaling the business, hiring additional therapists, and achieving financial freedom.
  • He praised the Clinical Marketer program, its team (Jordan and Max), and the straightforward, thorough modules.
  • Dr. Chris expressed his excitement about the program taking him to the next level in his business journey.
Impact of Clinical Marketer Program:
  • Danielle’s experience with the program has been highly positive.
  • She mentioned learning how to create and run Facebook ads as a part of the program.
  • Danielle has also implemented follow-up processes and improved the overall customer experience based on the insights gained from the program.
  • Specific tips mentioned include following up with new leads immediately after the initial contact and setting expectations for appointments.
  • She joined Clinical Marketer in January 2022 with the goal of filling her physical therapist’s schedule.
  • Initially, the therapist was seeing around 15 people a week, and Danielle aimed to increase it to about 25 people. Currently, they are at around 22 patients per week, which she finds amazing.
  • Danielle reported that she has made a little over $24,000 in the program over three months.
  • She mentioned that this has increased their overall gross revenue by $8,000 per month.
  • Danielle expressed her excitement about the program and the knowledge she has gained from Jordan, Max, and Ben.
  • She highly recommended the program to anyone interested in Facebook ads and improving their business.

Dr. Danielle Temmen

Practice Owners
Danielle's experience with the program has been highly positive.
over three months
$ 0
patients per week
0 +

Dr. Frank Allen

Practice Owner
By January, he achieved over 22K in monthly revenue.
Monthly Revenue
$ 0
Percentage Growth
0 %
Starting Point and Program Benefits:
  • In August of the previous year (before joining the program), Frank was seeing around 8 to 10 patients per week.
  • After starting the program, within three months, he experienced a significant increase in weekly patient visits.
  • Frank also highlighted his improved ability to reach and market to a previously elusive audience.
  • The program taught him essential skills like marketing, sales, and client relationship management.
  • Before joining the program, Frank struggled to reach 7K in monthly revenue.
  • By January, he achieved over 22K in monthly revenue.
  • Frank has reached a point where he can take Fridays off and spend more time with his family.
  • Initial Monthly Revenue (August): Below 7K (approx.)
  • Monthly Revenue (January): Over 22K
  • Percentage Growth: ((22K – 7K) / 7K) * 100% ≈ 214%
Initial Situation:
  • Initially, Emily was seeing only one patient a week, generating approximately $270 per month in revenue.
  • Emily began working with Clinical Marketer, and in November of 2021, she started running ads to promote her business.
  • This marked the turning point, and her practice began to grow significantly.
  • Emily reported tremendous progress over a short period.
  • January: Emily’s monthly revenue increased to $9,000.
  • February: Emily achieved her highest month with $22,000 in revenue.
  • She noted that her practice was now her full-time occupation, marking a substantial change from her initial situation.
  • Initial Monthly Revenue (around November 2021): $270
  • Monthly Revenue (January 2022): $9,000
  • Monthly Revenue (February 2022): $22,000
  • Percentage Growth: ((22,000 – 270) / 270) * 100% ≈ 8,037%
  • The percentage growth in revenue even just from January to February is approximately 144.44%.
  • Emily expressed her need to hire additional staff as her clinic had reached full capacity.
  • She highlighted that the Clinical Marketer program not only helped her grow her practice but also taught her valuable skills in crafting her own ads.

Dr. Emily Murray

Practice Owners
She need to hire additional staff as her clinic had reached full capacity.
Monthly Revenue
$ 0
Percentage Growth
0 %

Dr. Norah Whitten

Practice Owner
Continuing to grow and looking forward to further scaling
Monthly Revenue Increase
$ 0
Total Revenue
$ 0
Before working with the Clinical Marketer:
  • Monthly Revenue: Approximately $15,000
Growth Since Working with the Clinical Marketer:
  • Monthly Revenue Increase: Approximately $30,000
  • Total Revenue: About $45,000
  • Hiring PT Full-time: Yes
  • Schedule Filled: Yes
  • Business Scaling: Continuing to grow and looking forward to further scaling

Work with us one-on-one until you see 10k+ a month results in your practice

We’ve incorporated a guarantee into our methodology that allows you to rest easy knowing you will see the desired results you deserve. if you don’t make an extra $30,000 using our Accelerated Cash Practice Method in the next 90 days or less – we’ll continue working with you (1-on-1) 100% for free until you do.

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